Scrabble Desolation
OK, obviously in a fit of pique at my winning streak, my hubby has been resistant to suggestions of scrabble playing recently. So instead I thought I would share with you another Ipod audio gem. By this I mean podiobooks. The concept behind this is SHEER GENIUS! Keen amateur writers read their own books for you delight and delectation and, if you love it, you can give a donation which goes partly towards running the site and partly to the authors. Even though the installments are mostly all uploaded already, podiobooks only downloads one to you itunes once every so often, with a interval that you can set yourself. And if you are feeling greedy and want the next installment NOW THIS MINUTE you can log in and press a button to release the next installment and voila! you listening pleasure is ensured. Were I you, which I am not as you can probably tell I don't dress nearly stylishly enough, I would go and sign up right NOW!