Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A delivery and getting lippy

I waited today for quite some while for the rudest delivery man I had ever met. He dropped off our new kitchen cupboard doors whi are splendiferous. Our old kitchen cupboards were not to my taste at all so a few summers ago, my sister and I painted some of the doors on the back lawn with some special silver cupboard paint. Unfortunately, it got dark before we had finished and eventually we gave up with the weather and remounted all the doors and would finish them later on. So for the last few years, we had a somewhat patchwork kitchen effect. Now, normally this would be a source of annoyance for most people but I wasn't too bothered as it soon became evident that the cupboard paint was about a robust as a chocolate teapot. The closeup of the handle is of a top cupboard so saw little wear and tear compared to the bottom cupboards, which were bashed by big dogs.

There were 29 boxes that were delivered - of that 29, the delivery man carried 7 on his sack trolley and I carried all the rest. And he refused to bring them into the house as there was one step - I was not best pleased.

But it has been one of those weeks, the women in my family have not faired well this week. Poor Thai had to have a stitch in her ear over the weekend. She then cut her foot in the garden and, as I cleaned and bandaged it, she nutted me and split my lip and gave me a blood blister.

When my sister rang to say that she had got the flowers that I had sent for her birthday, I fully expected her to tell me that she had accidently stabbed herself with them. She is suffering - she has an exam tomorrow and so much coursework on her plate that she has put off her birthday celebrations until next week, however she deigned to allow Mum and Dad to cook her pancakes tonight. We are putting off the pancake day in our house until John is home - no fun having pancakes on your own...

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