Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Week 25 : Awww

Well, the joys of pregnancy struck again today and I spent the best part of the day either being sick or asleep. BUT when John got home I was feeling a lot better and felt even better when he ensconced himself in the lounge telling me to keep out as he was doing "secret stuff"... When he emerged about 1/2 hour later it was with my advent calendar in tow.

There had been some fuss about advent calendars this year - I always have a bit of a headache with John's - he doesn't really like chocolate all that much and if I get if little toys etc type things he finds them a bit useless and won't open them for days on end. Last year I made if a made him a magnetic advent calendar which worked really well and I was very pleased with it but this year, with the pregnancy, hospital, no car to get anywhere and a complete lack of ideas I eventually said over the weekend that I just would not have time to do him one this year. He, meanwhile said he had an idea for mine - I'm normally easy as I love chocolate but ever since I have been pregnant I have not been too keen on it (don't get me wrong, I wouldn't turn it down, just not NEEDING chocolate the way a normal person should) so he had it a bit a tougher this year. BUT he came up trumps - when I opened the door to my calendar this year I had a small scroll bound with ribbon which read:

" 24 Reasons that I love you
Number 1
I love you because... you tolerate my 'shocking' jokes!"
He was worried I wouldn't like it but he needn't have been as I thought it was really really adorable (and felt awful for not getting him anything this year). We then ate way too much chicken stew and snuggled on the sofa to watch TV.

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