Sunday, August 31, 2008

Week 12 : Finally the news is out

We finally caught Nan and Grandad in at the same time and they were over the moon. They were very impressed by the photo, though it required some explaining and very enthusiastic. Mum said that when she spoke to her afterwards Nan said "I've never seen two people so excited to tell their news!" which made me laugh as we were rather hyper!

I was very pleased that they were happy - Nan is quite old fashioned in her outlook with some things and prefers her grandkids to be married before producing kids but she didn't make any comment, just discussed baby names and so on all evening with us.

Yesterday we went to see Pauline and broke to news to the kids. Tina was really excited and has decided to make a book of names for us to choose from. Ryan had a typical teenage grunt to contribute but did ask some questions so was a little interested. We then headed to Johns grandparents and let them know. They too were happy but couldn't really make head nor tail of the picture no matter how long we explained it too them. We then headed out for a meal to celebrate Paulines birthday and headed home ( I slept most of the way), where John immeadiately changed his facebook status to "John is busy spreading good news!" and sent out messages to just about everyone letting them know. Today his status now reads "John is going to be a DAD!"

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